The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been a hot topic of discussion for quite some time. While the future of NAFTA remains uncertain, there is one aspect of the agreement that is often overlooked—the NAFTA labour side agreement.

The NAFTA labour side agreement was signed in 1993 as an additional agreement to NAFTA. Its primary purpose was to address labour issues in the three member countries—Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The agreement recognizes that the success of trade should not come at the expense of workers` rights and protections. The NAFTA labour side agreement establishes a framework for cooperative and effective enforcement of labour laws across the three countries.

Under the agreement, each member country must ensure that its labour laws are in line with international labour standards and are enforced effectively. The agreement also requires member countries to provide access to information and procedures for reviewing complaints about labour law violations. This means that workers in each country have the right to submit complaints and expect action from their respective governments.

The NAFTA labour side agreement also established the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation (NAALC), which serves as the primary mechanism for cooperation and enforcement under the agreement. The NAALC established a tri-national organization—the Commission for Labor Cooperation—that provides a platform for the three countries to collaborate on labour-related issues.

The Commission for Labor Cooperation is responsible for investigating complaints related to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and child labor among other labour rights issues. The Commission encourages each member country to maintain transparency and to ensure that workers` rights are protected under the respective national laws.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the effectiveness of the NAFTA labour side agreement. Many labour rights organizations and trade unions have criticized the agreement for its failure to adequately protect workers` rights. There have also been concerns regarding enforcement as many cases have taken years to resolve, and some complaints have been dismissed without proper investigation.

The future of the NAFTA labour side agreement remains uncertain as NAFTA negotiations continue. While there is no consensus on the scope and effectiveness of the agreement, there is a growing recognition that trade should not come at the expense of workers` rights and protections. The NAFTA labour side agreement serves as a reminder that labour rights are an integral component of any trade agreement, and that these rights should be protected and enforced for the benefit of workers across borders.