The NHS Data Processing Agreement Template: What You Need to Know

If you work in the healthcare industry, you know how important it is to protect patient data. The NHS (National Health Service) in the UK takes data protection seriously, and has created a standardised data processing agreement (DPA) template for organisations that handle NHS patient data.

What is a Data Processing Agreement?

A data processing agreement is a contract between two parties that outlines the terms and conditions for the processing of personal data. In the healthcare industry, this can include patient data such as medical records, test results, and billing information.

Why is a Data Processing Agreement Important?

A data processing agreement is important because it helps ensure that patient data is kept secure and confidential. It also helps organisations comply with data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

What is the NHS Data Processing Agreement Template?

The NHS DPA template is a standardised agreement that healthcare organisations can use when processing patient data for the NHS. It was created to ensure consistency and to simplify the process for both the NHS and healthcare organisations.

The template includes clauses that cover:

– The types of personal data being processed

– The purposes for which the data is being processed

– The duration of the processing

– The security measures that will be implemented

– The rights of individuals whose data is being processed

– The obligations of the healthcare organisation

How to Use the NHS Data Processing Agreement Template

If your organisation handles NHS patient data, you should use the NHS DPA template to create a contract with the NHS. To use the template, follow these steps:

1. Download the template from the NHS Digital website.

2. Review the clauses to make sure they cover all aspects of your data processing activities.

3. Fill in the relevant details such as the names and addresses of the parties, the purpose of the processing, and the duration of the agreement.

4. Review the agreement with your legal team to ensure compliance with data protection laws.

5. Sign the agreement and send a copy to the NHS.


The NHS DPA template is an important tool for healthcare organisations that handle patient data for the NHS. It helps ensure that data is processed securely and in compliance with data protection laws. By using the template, organisations can simplify the process of creating a data processing agreement with the NHS and focus on providing quality healthcare services to patients.