Executive agreements have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way for leaders and organizations to make important deals and decisions without going through the lengthy process of getting them approved by Congress. These agreements can be made between heads of state, government officials, or even businesses. But what makes executive agreements so attractive? Here are a few reasons.

First, executive agreements are often quicker to negotiate than treaties. Treaties require the approval of two-thirds of the Senate, which can be a time-consuming process. Executive agreements, on the other hand, only require the approval of the president. This means that deals can be made much more quickly, which can be vital in situations where time is of the essence.

Second, executive agreements can be more flexible than treaties. Treaties are typically very specific in their terms and are difficult to renegotiate once they are signed. Executive agreements, however, can be more fluid and can be tweaked or revised as needed. This makes them a good option for deals that may need to be adjusted over time.

Third, executive agreements can be more confidential than treaties. Because executive agreements do not require Senate approval, they can be negotiated and signed behind closed doors. This can be useful in situations where sensitive information needs to be kept private.

Fourth, executive agreements can help build relationships between countries or organizations. Because they are less formal than treaties, they can be a way to establish trust and cooperation between parties. This can be especially valuable in situations where there is a history of conflict or mistrust.

Finally, executive agreements can be a way for leaders to bypass political gridlock. In situations where Congress is divided or unable to act, executive agreements can allow leaders to move forward with important decisions without getting bogged down in partisan politics.

Overall, executive agreements offer a number of advantages over traditional treaties. They are often quicker, more flexible, more confidential, and can be a way to build relationships and bypass political gridlock. As such, they are likely to continue to be a popular tool for leaders and organizations in the years to come.